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SmartPlug Included in TechnoRV’s September Newsletter

As many RV enthusiasts know, TechnoRV is a leading supplier of a variety ofRV technology products to enhance the RV lifestyle.In September, they were kind enough to include SmartPlugin their member newsletter. Eric and Tami, the owners, walkthrough everything you need to know about SmartPlug. They share their favorite benefits and even show viewers how to install SmartPlug.

First, check out the video they made outlining the benefits of our products:

Take a look as they share a step by step guide on how to install SmartPlug on your RV:

Lastly, see for yourself just how easy it is to plug in SmartPlug and secure your RV shore power connection:

Thank you again to the team at TechnoRV for taking the time to document their experience with SmartPlug. We’re thrilled you enjoy SmartPlug as much as we do!

Be sure to follow along with TechnoRV here and check out our SmartPlug product line, now available on their site!



Author: SmartPlug

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100% Guaranteed

If Installed correctly, will help prevent electrical fires in Boats and RV’s.