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boat and smartplug product

Is Your Boat Ready for Boating Season? Your Inspection Guide

As spring makes way for more enjoyable climates, NOW is the time to inspect your boat for safe spring and summer boating days. We’ll guide you through a few imperative steps to verify your shore power system is ready for the boating season ahead.

For smooth journeys be sure to:

  • Assess the Plug Condition: The cornerstone of electrical safety on board your vessel begins by examining the plug. Take a meticulous look for any signs of wear and tear such as frayed cords, weak components due to sunlight exposure and UV radiation, cracks or any breakage of the outer components, or arcing. Ensure your plug is in pristine condition to guarantee seamless power transfer.
  • Inspect Connector Points: The heart of electrical connectivity lies within the connector points. Carefully examine these crucial junctions for any indications of corrosion or degradation. Saltwater exposure and environmental elements can accelerate the onset of corrosion, jeopardizing the integrity of your electrical system. Clean and treat connector points regularly to maintain optimal performance and reliability.
  • Guard Against Corrosion: Corrosion poses a persistent threat to marine shore power systems, silently eroding their functionality over time. If your plug has taken an inadvertent dip in the water, it’s important to take preventative measures such as washing it with fresh water, letting it dry, and then spraying it with a water-dispersing spray like CRC 6-56. Regularly evaluate the status of your plug and should you find it corroded, there are a few different ways to clean your plug with either an Emory board technique or a vinegar solution. We’ll cover more on this topic in a future blog article.
  • Properly Store Your Cordset: When not in use, store the shore power cordset in a dry and clean environment. SmartPlug offers a carrying bag featuring a clear see-through window, zipper, and two carrying straps to safeguard your shore power product from the elements.

SmartPlug’s “sleeve-in” design and double-locking system help eliminate the movement and tension on the electrical pins that cause them to work loose, corrode, and increase the potential for failure. With greater protection against loose connections and corrosion, the chances of a shore power failure and potential fire diminish significantly.

Regardless of the more sophisticated features that SmartPlug affords you compared to the twist-type alternatives, you should still take the time to inspect your SmartPlug technology, this time of year.

We’re committed to empowering boaters with innovative solutions that elevate safety standards. That’s why we supply helpful tips to keep your SmartPlug products in top shape! For unparalleled peace of mind and uncompromising reliability, trust SmartPlug for all your marine shore power needs.

For additional information and expert guidance, visit

Author: SmartPlug

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If Installed correctly, will help prevent electrical fires in Boats and RV’s.