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Caring For Our Waters

Boating is a fun and relaxing past time, but while you’re out on the water, it’s important to take strides to ensure you’re being an environmentally friendly boater. As boaters, we want to create as little disruption as possible to the natural marine habitat.

Here are some of our tips on how to be a more environmentally friendly boater.

Use non-toxic cleaning products

As you boaters know, cleaning your boat regularly is important for proper maintenance. To best protect the marine habitat, avoid cleaning products that contain sulfate, phosphate, and other hard detergents. If possible, consider using chemical free, water-based cleaners. These eco-friendly cleaning products will leave your boat sparkling clean without the harsh effects on the surrounding waters.

Don’t overfill your fuel tanks

As fuel warms, it expands, causing any excess fuel to escape through the vent line. In addition to heating, boating on rough seas can also cause spillage from over-filled tanks. If you’re filling a built-in fuel tank, you can use your hand to check for air escaping from the vent. You’ll feel a distinct increase in air flow when your tank is nearly full and that is your signal to stop filling.

Give the engine a break You don’t ALWAYS need to run your engine while on your boating trips. Let it coast when possible. Consider turning off your engine and enjoy letting your boat coast for a while. Also remember, once you reach your destination, throw out your anchor and shut down your engine.

Don’t pollute

While out on your boat make sure you’re keeping the water clean. When maintaining your boat, properly discard used oil and filters. If you take snacks and drinks on board, make sure you bring a container to dispose of the trash until you’re back on shore. Paper or light plastic bags often fly away into the water, so ensure these light items are secured. Finally, don’t toss any items in the water! That includes bottles, cigarettes, or any liquids such as soda, oil, or gasoline.

Boating should be viewed as a privilege and a responsibility. Always take these eco-friendly measures while boating and make every effort to stay in line with environmentally friendly boating.

Happy boating everyone!

Author: SmartPlug

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