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There Is A Better Way!

What comes to mind when it’s time to plug in your boat or RV?

Fear? Pain? Confusion? Frustration? Four letter words? Is this twisted enough? Is my connection aligned properly?

If this sounds familiar or if plugging in has become a bummer… we’ve got a better way for you!

The SmartPlug is a revolutionary shore power system designed to replace the outdated and problematic twist-type design in use today. It’s intuitive to use and provides greater protection against loose connections and corrosion –the leading causes of shore power failure and fires.

With SmartPlug,all the issues with twist-type connectors go away. All it takes isa simple push and you’re done. As easy as plugging in a hair dryer, SmartPlug is the friendly choice!

No pain – no frustration– no guesswork! The best part is, it’s correctly installed every time, no matter what. The perfect way to end your day out on the water or open road.

Our customers tell us it’s worth every penny and we can’t argue!

Here are a few recent comments from customers:

“Very easy to connect/disconnect compared to the OEM Shore Power plug.”
“I purchased a SmartPlug kit this past week. The cord end is easy.”
“My plug is a SmartPlug, which I installed to replace the frustrating twist plug.”

Life is tough enough, why make it any more difficult? SmartPlug is safe, simple and secure!

Author: SmartPlug

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US Based

Locations all over North America

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Guaranteed

If Installed correctly, will help prevent electrical fires in Boats and RV’s.