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Health Benefits of Getting Outdoors During Covid-19

Almost two years later and many families across the US are still feeling the effects of Covid-19. Out of precautions due to Covid-19 exposure, families are often asked to quarantine. If everyone is feeling healthy, staying indoors can be monotonous. One of the main things families have turned to during a Covid-19 quarantine is nature. […]

SmartPlug - New Hire & Facility

SmartPlug Adds Personnel and Expands Facility

SmartPlug Systems LLC, leading manufacturer of safety-focused power delivery products for boats, RVs and specialty vehicles, continues to expand by adding Andrew Lankford as a quality assurance engineer along with moving to a larger facility.

A Special SmartPlug Installation

We love when customers send us photos of their SmartPlug installed on their RV or boat! We recently received photos of the Adonia, a really unique and special boat, equipped with our 50A system and new marine cord. Here is some information about the Adonia: A 60-foot flagship yacht docked at the Waterside Marina to […]

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International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Guaranteed

If Installed correctly, will help prevent electrical fires in Boats and RV’s.